VIP style package with Angela Ragany

“Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.” (Sophia Loren)

Come and join me for a stylish morning to:

  • get a full makeover
  • rebuild your wardrobe and refine your appearance

The 4-hour style-package includes:

  • a personal color analysis
  • one pair of signature ColourMyStyle earring that matches your colors
  • one color swatch set that contains your best colors (great tool for future shopping trips)
  • a chance to test your best make-up colors (you can choose from 60 different lipstick shades in the showroom)
  • recommendation for hair color
  • body type analysis
  • your best clothing cuts and lines that enhance your figure
  • ideas to combine your jewelry and accessories to match your outfits
  • brand and store recommendations for future shopping trips
  • a style guide booklet with all the information above.

The price of the package: HUF 260.000. Note that this is a limited offer.

Where: ColourMyStyle Showroom: 1119 Budapest, Hadak útja 5.